Our lab is dedicated to supporting the laboratory work of students enrolled in programs under the Study Board of Media Technology.
Initially established as an Electronics Laboratory (Manufakturet (E-Lab)), we have since expanded our facilities to include rapid prototyping and modeling capabilities. We continue to offer technical support and provide a wide range of embeddable programmable platforms, sensors, and other electronic components.
Additionally, our facility manages the equipment booking system for Medialogy students and staff.
Lab Access
Students with card access can use the lab 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Manufakturet is generally staffed from 9:00-16:00
The lab is periodically booked for teaching and workshops, during these times access to the lab and use of equipment may be limited. The lab timetable can be seen here.
CreaTech Lab (formerly known as E-lab or Manufakturet) is situated in building B (Frederikskaj 12, 2450 København), ground floor, room 0.03
Lab Staff
Jesper Greve
Peter Williams
For Jesper’s availabilty, look for the sign at Jesper’s office (visible through the main door):
GREEN “I’m in”
RED “Not present”
BLUE “Out and around”
PURPLE “Do not disturb”