Welcome to our lab’s news and updates section.
Here, you’ll find the latest information on lab facilities, activities, and equipment. Be sure to check back regularly for important announcements and updates.
Box Maker in OpenSCAD
This is an OpenSCAD module for creating boxes to be laser-cut out of flat panels (e.g. plywood or acrylic). The boxes dimensions are customizable, supports opening the top, insetting the bottom, and adding handles.
X-Y Plotter
We have an X-Y plotter.
Unbranded PIR Sensors
Some of our PIR sensors are somewhat cheaper, unbranded units, with no identification markings. This makes it a bit difficult to find a datasheet for them. This labelled picture may be of use to those attempting to make use of them.
Free Online STL Repair tool
With this tool you get your STL file checked for errors. It also automatically proides a fixed downloadable version.
Useful Arduino Links
Arduino is a developer community, a programming language, an Integrated Development Environment and a series of programmable micro-controllers. An easy platform to through which one can learn about programmable microcontrollers, supported by a variety of hardware platforms. The IDE is frequently updated, and it’s well worth keeping your version current. However, make sure that the…
Ultimaker have taken over this 3D modelling resource, which was originally founded by MakerBot.